We all have heard the famous saying: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. This is defining phrase for our investigation. For many years a powerful crime ring operates freely in Guatemala. Its members include prosecutors, judges, ministers and other powerful public officials. It’s called Cutino crime ring and issues authentic Guatemalan documents to foreigners in an anomalous […]
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Análisis, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Justicia, Política
(Español) El Verdadero Pacto de Corruptos en Guatemala
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Análisis, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Justicia, Opinión, Uncategorized
Cristian Chacon – The Kid Who Want to Sacrifice to Save Mayra Veliz
Cristian Chacon – victim of INJUSTICE. Throughout our process I observed a young RENAP worker – Cristian Mauricio Chacon Aguirre . According to the accusation, this worker made inscriptions of the identity cards, birth certificates, records of residences and naturalizations for several people and even for me. The certificate issued by the mayor of Fraijanes with proof of […]
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Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Justicia, Odebrecht
Daughter of Oscar Clemente Marroquín is represented as a representative of ODEBRECHT
Maria Isabel Saravia Balleza de Marroquín , is married to Juan Fernando Marroquín Pérez , son of Oscar Clemente Marroquín , owner of the newspaper La Hora and vicepresidencial of the former General Thelma Aldana. Lawyer Saravia de Marroquín is also a member of the Substitute Magistrate of the Constitutional Court, Henry Comte. Recently, the contract for the provision of services came to […]
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Ampliación Noticiosa, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Justicia, Opinión, Política, Rusia, статьи
(Español) CICIG fue solicitada por MOSCÚ para apresar a los Bitkov
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Análisis, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Justicia, Rusia
(Español) La impunidad absoluta – II Parte – Mayra Veliz & Marcos Cutino
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Instability in Central America will spill into Mexico and spur more migrants to the U.S. By Mary Anastasia O’Grady April 22, 2018 2:15 p.m. ET Source: WSJ.com In the struggle to defeat transnational crime in Central America, the U.S. is financing a United Nations prosecutorial body in Guatemala. Yet these U.N. prosecutors are thumbing their […]
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Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Justicia, Opinión, Política, Rusia
El TUIT que demuestra que Juan Francisco Sandoval está influenciado por el Kremlin
Queridos amigos, desde el miércoles santo de este año han ocurrido una serie de acontecimientos que han puesto en evidencia que dentro de nuestro proceso siempre existió una poderosa influencia por parte del Kremlin hacia las autoridades dentro del Ministerio Público -FECI- y la CICIG capaz de castigarnos al estilo de Rusia pero en territorio […]
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Análisis, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Justicia, Opinión, Política, Rusia
(Español) Los depredadores de la justicia
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