My son Vladimir Bitkov, a promising Guatemalan tennis player. RUBIO, SMITH, SALAZAR RAISE CONCERNS WITH PERSECUTION OF BITKOV FAMILY Los jueces de la mafia MADURO OLD ALLIES – THELMA ALDANA, IVAN VELASQUEZ AND JUAN FRANCISCO SANDOVAL CICIG, THELMA ALDANA Y LA DICTADURA DE MADURO – VÍNCULO CRIMINAL ¿QUIÉN ENCUBRIÓ LA ESTAFA DE ODEBRECHT – SIGMA EN GUATEMALA? Erika Aifan – Judge blind to Justice CICIG´s auto-destruction in Bitkov´s trial ERIKA AIFAN, SINÓNIMO DE CORRUPCIÓN, IMPUNIDAD E INJUSTICIA YASSMIN BARRIOS ACCOMPLICE OF KREMLIN YASSMIN BARRIOS: CRÓNICA DEL LINCHAMIENTO JUDICIAL DE LA FAMILIA BITKOV LA CONDENA QUE DESTRUYÓ A LA CICIG (Español) ¿Por qué nació el Hashtag #IgorBitkovNonGrato? (Español) El Nuevo “informe” de la CICIG es un cúmulo de engaños Evidence of Collusion between Russia and CICIG in persecution of Bitkov family Pruebas de la Colusión entre Rusia y CICIG en la persecución de la familia Bitkov Juan Francisco Sandoval is corrupted by Kremlin THE TUMOR THAT THE PUBLIC MINISTRY MUST EXTIRPATE Scapegoating in Migration Case: Christian Chacon Breaking the silence of the innocents. THE MAGNITSKY ACT. Tool of justice or political weapon? One year after the Helsinki commission – Bitkov case Un año después de la comisión Helsinki – Caso Bitkov La Ley Magnitskiy. ¿Herramienta de la justicia o arma política? Cover Up of Human Traffickers (Español) El Verdadero Pacto de Corruptos en Guatemala Cristian Chacon – The Kid Who Want to Sacrifice to Save Mayra Veliz Nuestra Lucha Por la Libertad. Daughter of Oscar Clemente Marroquín is represented as a representative of ODEBRECHT (Español) Quitando la Piel de Oveja (Español) Dentro del Infierno (Español) Las Acusaciones FALSAS ( actualizado 19.12.2019 ) (Español) Rameras de la justicia (Español) Dios es lo más Importante – Anastasia Bitkova (Español) Nuestra liberación gloriosa (Español) Mi Decano el Doctor Jesús Oliva (Chusito) (Español) La impunidad absoluta – II Parte – Mayra Veliz & Marcos Cutino A Crisis in Guatemala, Abetted by the U.N. El TUIT que demuestra que Juan Francisco Sandoval está influenciado por el Kremlin (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 13 (Español) Los depredadores de la justicia (Español) Confiamos en Dios y él nos dará la victoria y libertad (Español) Ampliación y Aclaración Noticiosa Diario El Periódico 23/12/2017 (Español) ¿Cómo el banco mafioso de Putin sigue alterando nuestro proceso? (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 12 (Español) Поцелуй Родины 11 (Español) La impunidad absoluta (Español) Se esconden de la ley (Español) La Justicia Global (Español) ¿Qué es la ley Magnitsky? (Español) El aniversario del experimento comunista (Español) Nuestro últimos días y la despedida de Rusia – Las Montañas Rusas Capítulo XII – (Español) El secuestro de mi hija Anastasia – Las Montañas Rusas Capítulo XI (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo X – Las Propuestas Políticas Corruptas (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo IX – Inauguración de las nuevas fábricas en Rusia (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VIII – (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VII – (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VI – (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo V – The Roller Coasters – Chapter IV They fight against a State of criminals The Roller Coasters – Chapter III The Roller Coasters – Chapter II The Roller Coasters – Chapter I Criminality in the Kremlin Service The Influence Network The day of Russia (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 10 The mystery behind the Law firm “Cutino International” State Terrorism (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 9 (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 8 (Русский)  Поцелуй Родины 7 Victory Day With this injustice everyone is at risk (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 6 Russia is walking towards a new revolution (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 5 The Compromising Letter – Part Two (Русский) Поцелуй Родины (Часть 4) (Español) Testimonio de un Ex Trabajador de RENAP (Русский) Поцелуй Родины (Часть 3) (Español) ¿Quién se beneficia ahora por el #CasoPiSA? – Entrevista en Mariscal Zavala (Español) 48. Nueva Trampa Judicial (Русский) Поцелуй Родины ( часть2 ) (Español) 47. El sacrificio de los inocentes para llegar al trono. (Español) 46. ¿Error médico o asesinato? 45. (Español) 44. Oleg Navalny -El rehén de la dictadura.  (Español) 43.La esperanza y la paciencia (Русский) 41. Поцелуй Родины ( Часть 1 ) 40 (Español) 39. Astucia Judicial (Español) Denuncia para Prevenir la Tortura y Asesinato de Igor Bitkov 38. (Español) 37. Seguimos pasando la prueba (Español) Daño Colateral: El Sacrificio de los inocentes. 36 35. (Español) 34. Ampliación de mi Primera Declaración (Español) 33. Incapacidad Judicial 32. (Español) Una señal de tiempos peligrosos – Caso Bitkov por Paul Goble 31. Corruption is not yet defeated 3 28. Modern Murder 27. How is the VIP Mariscal Zavala jail? 26. A test to the justice system 25 .Beslan – a wound that will not heal. 23. Justice goes on with no rush. 22. It is not my fault says Judge Reyna Salazar Hard to Understand March of the White Robes Dr. Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda 21. Who killed Dr. Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda? 20. My Way to God 19. The Fruits of Dictatorship 18. How much does My Freedom Cost? 17. Where is Justice in Guatemala going? 16. Who discovered the Russians Doping Athletes (Español) 15. La Carta Comprometedora 14. Mystery of Flight MH17 Malaysia Airlines 13. Russia Yesterday Today and Tomorrow 12. Altered #Justice 11. Frozen Justice 10. HOW DID WE OBTAIN IN DOCUMENTS GUATEMALA 9. Our struggle against the world’s most corrupted dictatorship (Third Final part) 8. Our Struggle Against The World’s Must Corrupt Dictatorship (Part Two) 7. Our Struggle Against The World’s Most Corrupted Dictatorship 6. The root of our problems 5. Frozen Justice 4. STATE KIDNAPPING 3. Extortion Failed 2. First Declarations 1. Jail For The Whole Family PROLOGUE THELMA ALDANA DIRECTLY PARTICIPATED IN ODEBRECHT-SIGMA FRAUD Our Fight for Freedom (Español) CICIG fue solicitada por MOSCÚ para apresar a los Bitkov The Dark Powers

December 6, 2024/ in  Sport ,  Free Time / by  [email protected] In the world of tennis, stories of triumph often emerge from the most unexpected places. One such story is that of Vladimir Bitkov, a 12-year-old prodigy who has become Guatemala’s best tennis player in his age category, captivating audiences with his talent and determination. But Vladimir’s path is far from ordinary: […]

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9 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2023 | COMUNICADOS DE PRENSA La familia Bitkov huyó de Rusia en 2008 tras recibir amenazas de muerte. Ahora que viven en Guatemala con estatus de refugiados, la libertad de la familia sigue en peligro ya que la Corte Suprema de Guatemala confirmó recientemente una absurda sentencia de 14 años de cárcel basada en […]

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Ya paso casi 7 años desde que se empezó persecución  política disfrazado como un proceso penal contra nuestra familia en Guatemala. Todo se inició y continúa bajo el manejo de la dictadura criminal de Vladimir Putin de Rusia. Ahora sabemos muchas detalles los que trataban de ocultar los dirigentes de esta persecución. Los bancos estatales […]

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In this document is explained how certain high level officials of CICIG, FECI and Public Ministry: Ivan Velazquez , Thelma Aldana , Juan Francisco Sandoval , Mayra Veliz and others, created a powerful crime ring which involved itself in manipulation of penal cases with the purpose of personal enrichment. Some of the consequences include theft from […]

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Pretendo comprobar que los altos mandos de la CICIG , FECI y MP : Ivan Velazquez , Thelma Aldana , Juan Francisco Sandoval , Mayra Veliz y otros – crearon una poderosa estructura criminal que operaba casi en todos los procesos penales con el propósito de lograr el enriquecimiento ilícito . Para ello robaron dinero […]

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¿Por qué el caso de Odebrecht – Sigma es algo que todos los habitantes de Guatemala  deberán de conocer y recordar?  La respuesta es : porque nunca y nadie en toda historia de Guatemala ha robado tanto dinero como fue robado por los corruptos funcionarios en el proyecto de supuesto construcción de una carretera con […]

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ERIKA AIFAN = Judge blind to Justice - written by Igor Bitkov

Erika Lorena Aifan Dávila – Guatemalan judge, favorite of left wing movement. Some journalists of extreme leftist views do their best to make her famous despite a number of embarrassing situations for which any other judge would have been criminally prosecuted. But for judge Aifan everything is forgiven and her public image is that of a […]

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In Igor’s last trial which took place in December of 2018, it became painfully obvious how dishonestly CICIG manages their cases. CICIG drowned under the weight of their own lies and as of today that organization does not exist anymore; but back then they were still on peak and abused the due process freely. The […]

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Erika Lorena Aifan Dávila – una juez guatemalteca , favorita de toda la izquierda de país . Por alguna razón la tratan de hacer famosa a pesar de múltiples incidentes vergonzosos por los cuales otros jueces ya hubieran perdido su carrera y deberían estar en la cárcel o por lo menos estar procesados penalmente. A […]

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Through the case of our family Guatemalan judge Yassmin Barrios proved to be accomplice of Kremlin in political persecution against us as well as a go-to judge of a powerful transnational crime ring Cutino whose members she not only helped to cover up but also explicitly ordered to destroy any evidence against them. Igor: In […]

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Yassmin Barrios Crónica del Linchamiento Judicial de la Familia Bitkov

Cuando estuve en la cárcel ,  recibí la noticia que seríamos juzgados en el tribunal de Yassmin Barrios . Esto no me provocó ningún sentimiento . Después de años de retraso de nuestro proceso , lo único que quería era pasar lo más rápido posible hasta final y salir de la cárcel. De esto ultimo […]

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En mi último debate que se realizó en el diciembre del año pasado fue evidenciada toda la injusticia, la manera criminal del manejo fraudulento de los procesos penales de la CICIG. Mucha gente incluso los mismos empleados de la CICIG saben que nuestro caso detonó una serie de eventos que destruyeron  a la CICIG . […]

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El Nuevo Informe de CICIG es un Cúmulo de Engaños - Escrito por Igor Bitkov

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in the persecution of the Bitkov family - Written by Igor Bitkov

Our family suffers from persecution of Russian government for 11 years now. In Guatemala Kremlin found a surprising ally – CICIG – an organization which was meant to fight corruption but instead has turned all its resources against us. Our entire family was imprisoned and sentenced to 14 and 19 years of prison for documents […]

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Pruebas de la Colusión entre Rusia y CICIG en la persecución de la familia Bitkov - Escrito Por Igor Bitkov

Nuestra familia sufre persecución de la parte de la CICIG , dirigido por el gobierno Ruso durante mas de 4 años . A pesar de que la ley prohíbe persecución penal de los migrantes por uso y creación de los documentos falsificados , toda nuestra familia fue encarcelada y condenada a 14 y 19 años […]

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Those who have read the famous novel “1984” by George Orwell will understand the analogies that I will use. As Orwell has shown, the hypocritical and shameless authorities often turn their ministries into something totally contrary to their name. So I can define that the FECI, in reality is not an entity against impunity, but is […]

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Those who have read the famous novel “1984” by George Orwell will understand the analogies that I will use. As Orwell has shown, the hypocritical and shameless authorities often turn their ministries into something totally contrary to their name. So I can define that the FECI, in reality is not an entity against impunity, but is […]

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Following the subject of Cutino crime ring and how CICIG put together a case to cover them up in which they used innocent people as scapegoats, we have new evidence to offer. Cutino crime ring dedicates to issuing documents to foreigners. Their members include Mayra Veliz – ex-secretary of public ministry, Raul Morales – ex-minister […]

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Rompiendo el Silencio de los Inocentes - Escrito Por Igor Bitkov e Irina Bitkova

Written by:  Igor Bitkov and Irina Bitkova Following the topic of the criminal structure of traffickers of people who are investigating for more than 4 years we have new data to share in this article. Our last articles dedicated to this topic were: In this article we explain and demonstrate the existence of the powerful criminal structure […]

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In Guatemala, in various circumstances we have heard about the possible application of the Magnitsky law against government officials and politicians. More than a year ago I published my article dedicated to this topic. Today we can update this theme. For more than a year, after writing this article, many things have happened that allow […]

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On  April 27, 2018, something happened that the absolute majority of Guatemalans never expected. The hearing of the International Bicameral Commission of Security and Cooperation in Europe known as the Helsinki Commission of the USA was held in the US Senate . The hearing with name “The long arm of injustice” was dedicated to the case of the political persecution of the Bitkov family in […]

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En el dia  27 de Abril del año 2018 sucedió algo lo que la mayoría absoluta de los guatemaltecos nunca esperaban . En el Senado de EE.UU fue celebrada la audiencia de La Comisión Internacional Bicameral de Seguridad y Cooperación en Europa conocida como Comisión Helsinki de EE.UU . La audiencia con nombre ” El […]

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En Guatemala , en varias circunstancias hemos oído sobre la posible aplicación de la ley Magnitskiy contra los funcionarios y los políticos . Hace mas de un año yo publique mi articulo dedicado a este tema. (Español) ¿Qué es la ley Magnitsky? Hoy en día podemos actualizar este tema. Durante mas de un año , despues de […]

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We all have heard the famous saying: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. This is defining phrase for our investigation. For many years a powerful crime ring operates freely in Guatemala. Its members include prosecutors, judges, ministers and other powerful public officials. It’s called Cutino crime ring and issues authentic Guatemalan documents to foreigners in an anomalous […]

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Cristian Chacon – victim of INJUSTICE. Throughout our process I observed a young RENAP worker – Cristian Mauricio Chacon Aguirre . According to the accusation, this worker made inscriptions of the identity cards, birth certificates, records of residences and naturalizations for several people and even for me. The certificate issued by the mayor of Fraijanes with proof of […]

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Nuestra Lucha Por la Libertad Escrito por Igor Bitkov año 2019

Yo nací en la Unión Soviética, en un lugar donde en las calles dominaban las pandillas. Para un niño existían dos opciones la primera, ser miembro de alguna pandilla y la segunda, el no salir de la casa para evitar ser golpeado por pandilleros. Fue por eso que escogí la segunda opción: Y me dedique a entrenar  […]

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Nuera de Oscar Clemente Marroquín figura como representante de O D E B R E C H T

Maria Isabel Saravia Balleza de Marroquín , is married to Juan Fernando Marroquín Pérez , son of Oscar Clemente Marroquín , owner of the newspaper La Hora and vicepresidencial of the former General Thelma Aldana. Lawyer Saravia de Marroquín is also a member of the Substitute Magistrate of the Constitutional Court, Henry Comte.   Recently, the contract for the provision of services came to […]

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Instability in Central America will spill into Mexico and spur more migrants to the U.S. By Mary Anastasia O’Grady April 22, 2018 2:15 p.m. ET Source: WSJ.com  In the struggle to defeat transnational crime in Central America, the U.S. is financing a United Nations prosecutorial body in Guatemala. Yet these U.N. prosecutors are thumbing their […]

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Queridos amigos, desde el miércoles santo de este año han ocurrido una serie de acontecimientos que han puesto en evidencia que dentro de nuestro proceso siempre existió una poderosa influencia por parte del Kremlin hacia las autoridades dentro del Ministerio Público -FECI- y la CICIG capaz de castigarnos al estilo de Rusia pero en territorio […]

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En Dios Confiamos Articulo por Igor Bitkov

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Ampliación Noticiosa nota_ Rony Ríos El Periódico Guatemala

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¿Cómo el banco mafioso de Putin sigue alterando nuestro proceso

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La Impunidad Absoluta - Escrito por Igor Bitkov

Durante todo nuestro proceso no se me quita la sospecha que el MP , RENAP o CICIG tienen algo que tratan de ocultar de la vista judicial ¿Qué será?

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La Justicia Global Escrito por Igor Bitkov

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Qué es la ley Magnitsky autor Igor Bitkov

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La historia del comunismo nos muestra que sus resultados son gravemente negativos y el 7 de noviembre del 2017 cumplen 100 años de la revolución de octubre.

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Las montañas Rusas Capítulo I Escrito Por Igor Bitkov

El no querer regresar con mi familia a Rusia hizo que nuestros problemas a penas comenzaran ya que pronto perderíamos nuestras empresas y propiedades

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El Secuestro de Mi Hija Anastasia Bitkova Anastasia Aven Escrito Por Igor Bitkov

Les contaré como fue que ocurrió este trágico momento en la vida de nuestra familia Bitkovs

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Según ellos, nosotros tuvimos el privilegio de tener negocio en la tierra rusa, que es su domino, y debemos pagar por este privilegio los enormes sobornos y además aprobarlos nuestra fidelidad en el campo político. 

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El año 2006 fue dramático en nuestra historia. Logramos construir el gasoducto a nuestras fábricas en Neman , instalamos nuevas calderas de gas y al final,  Irina logró hacer la parte más difícil – obligar a firmar el contacto al presidente monopolista de GASPROM, gracias a su valentía y perseverancia.

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Las montañas Rusas Capítulo VII Escrito Por Igor Bitkov

La situación económica en el país mejoraba rápido. En los años 2001-2007, el crecimiento económico de Rusia superaba a los 5%.

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Las montañas Rusas Capítulo V Escrito Por Igor Bitkov

La crisis económica rusa del año 1998 afectó al sector bancaria, a los ciudadanos y a todo el comercio del país. Es difícil imaginar, pero en los primeros meses de la crisis en Petersburgo no había tráfico y las carreteras eran semivacías.

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Las montañas Rusas Capítulo IV Escrito Por Igor Bitkov

Petersburg is the most beautiful city in Russia. Before the communist revolution of the year 1917, it was the capital of the Russian Empire. In contrast of many other Russian cities, the Communists did not completely destroy the entire old part of Petersburg. The numerous churches and palaces were converted into museums and administrative buildings. […]

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!Quiénes Luchan! Contra un Estado de Delincuentes

In the preamble of this article I want to put a sentence that was pronounced in the process of Nurnberg against the Nazis after World War II. One of the accusers, Rudenco, in his speech, characterized Hitler and all the leaders of Nazi Germany as: “Delinquents, who seized the State and made it a tool […]

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Las montañas Rusas Capítulo III Escrito Por Igor Bitkov

At the end of 1993 our own company Les-Market was registered. My wife Irina, my brother Andrey, my dad and I were the first shareholders. The money we had was enough just for us to rent a small office, buy the computers, the printer, the copier, and the office furniture. But the most important asset […]

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Las montañas Rusas Capítulo II Escrito Por Igor Bitkov

At the university, I studied forest engineering – how to maintain and exploit forests, how to process wood, produce products such as paper, pulp, sheets and others, but to become an entrepreneur I needed to know other things – how to manage the company, promote products and marketing. In the USSR there were no educational […]

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Las montañas Rusas Capítulo I Escrito Por Igor Bitkov

This is the story of my life in Russia, which looks a lot like roller coasters. It had breathtaking climbs and dramatic falls. I am satisfied with all the experiences that I lived and thank God for allowing me to go through difficult circumstances, strengthening and illuminating my path. In the end it was what […]

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Criminalidad al der vicio del kremlin articulo escrito por Igor Bitkov

[warning] CLARIFICATION: The next analytical article is based on publications from journalists, well known facts or from public knowledge and I quote all of the sources at the end. [/warning] A few days ago I received the news from Russia. The attempt to kill Adam Osmaev in Kiev, Ukraine. Adam Osmaev with his wife Adam is a […]

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Red De Influencias Escrito por Igor Bitkov

[warning]CLARIFICATION: The next analytical article is based on publications from journalists, well known facts or from public knowledge and I quote all of the sources at the end.[/warning] I remember very well, since my youth, the news about Guatemala that we received in USSR. All the news was about just one topic, the civil war. […]

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Dia de Rusia retrospectiva de los años 90 al 2017

Today I want to mention a date as important for Russia as Independence Day, and it caught my attention the way the celebration has changed since 1990 to date… How was the celebration before? (1990) June 12 is the national day of Russia. On this day in the year 1990 was proclaimed the Independence declaration […]

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There are several mysterious issues in our process, which are still unanswered. One of them is the reason why the Public Prosecutor’s office doesn’t want to investigate the law firm Cutino International, dedicated to legal procedures for migrants, which include services to obtain Guatemalan nationality and Guatemalan identity documents.   Precisely this company invited us to come to Guatemala […]

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Terrorismo Estatal Artíuclo Analitico Escrito por Igor Bitkov

A few weeks after our family was captured as a result of the operation of the Russian intelligence service (FSB) in Guatemala, which gave false information to the Public Prosecutor’s office (MP) of us to use them in such a way that MP thought that they were doing the right thing and that they were […]

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Día de la Victoria - Análisis Histórico Escrito por Igor Bitkov

[warning]WARNING: The following historical analysis may contain illustrations not suitable for general public discretion is recommended.[/warning] On May 9th, every year Russia celebrates the Victory Day. On this day, the authorities organize military parades, so great, that it is difficult to even imagine them. People like this party. You can say that for Russians, this […]

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Con esta injusticia todos corren riesgo artículo escrito por igor bitkov

With this injustice, the judge Erika Aifán sends us to Judgment without accepting our 25 strong evidences of innocence. Sometimes, people tell me that I think too positive. At the end of the intermediate stage of our process this was confirmed. At the last moment, I kept hope, that justice was going to be fulfilled, […]

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Rusia Camina a Nueva Escrito por Igor Bitkov

It’s been nine years since the day we left Russia. At that time, when we began our struggle against Putin’s dictatorship, very few people understood what was really happening, as Putin became a dictator and his State became the largest system of corruption in the world. Today we can see the bitter fruits of this […]

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La Carta Comprometedora Segunda Parte - Entrevista con Federico Guillermo Ramírez Corado Por Igor Bitkov Dentro de Mariscal Zavala

In jail I discovered something interesting. When you are free, out of jail, you see everything pink. Everyone seems prettier, more attractive. Suddenly in prison, you begin to discover reality little by little, through the testimonies of people who have nothing to lose. The reality is sometimes so ugly that you can’t even imagine it. […]

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My family and me came to Guatemala in 2008, we noticed that corruption was already a part of the system of the country, but it simply did not take us by surprise. Our home country Russia, according to what some experts state, has turned into a total corruption State. Long ago, Soviet Union used to […]

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Alexander Litvinenko El asesinato moderno escrito Por Igor Bitkov

This year a few months ago, it was published the result of the investigation by the authorities of England about the death of a Russian citizen Alexander Litvinenko Alexander Litvinenko was a colonel in the Russian intelligence service (FSB). In 1998 he stopped working for FSB and started working as security chief for Boris Berezovsky, […]

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Pulso entre el Sistema de Justicia Por Igor Bitkov

A story that came out on September 22, shortly caught the attention of the media in Guatemala, including some of the major newspapers have devoted very little space in their back pages. The former prosecutor Orlando Lopez, is arrested at his residence on 13 Street 11-33 in Zone 2. (Photo Prensa Libre: Eric Avila) They […]

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Justification of Evil I was notified that childhood Judge Maria Belen Reyna Salazar filed an injunction against the Attorney of Human Rights by the decision issued on 8: 02: 2016. This resolution states: “Violation of the human right of the child who was the victim Vladimir (our son) …” Designated as responsible for the violation […]

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Criteria of the judge within Case Renap – Family Bitkovs Published in Prensa Libre on 09/02/2016 Wednesday, August the 3rth. There was a hearing to the case Renap for  review, focused on measures of coercion on the accused. . Russian businessman Igor Bitkov, who has unaccountably been “linked” to this case with his wife and […]

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Marcha de Batas Blancas

Written by Dr. Andrea Bonilla On September 13, 2016 How much longer we will kneel before this crime? Now it turns out that using a Filipina, trousers or a white coat makes us a perfect target for those protected by human rights (criminals), and I say protected because we can not do anything against them […]

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We were a generation of students and residents of special pediatrics; marked by the Guatemalan civil war that had its strong endogenous reasons and its relative geopolitical, and exogenous economic causes. By: Dr. Jesús Arnulfo Oliva At the University of San Carlos of that time he insisted on the theory that the only way to […]

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Dedicated to my dearest friend. Dr. Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda Raúl died in prison! Found dead on his bed by his best friend, Dr. Jesús Oliva at 4:00 p.m. He was breathless … his skin was pale, and immediately Jesus and his fellow doctors began to make hard cardiac pulmonary resuscitation, but had no supplies or medical […]

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Frutos de Dictaura De Lenin a Putin Igor Bitkov

One topic that caught my attention in my analysis of modern Russia and its position in the world is demographics. We know that people around the world is growing too fast. That can be seen in Guatemala. His people doubled for last 25 years and is now around 16 million. That causes problems, like young […]

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Erika Aifan Jueza Mayor Riesgo D Guatemala Caso Migracion

Before starting I want to clarify that my word “how much” is not meant to talk about money cost  or price itself, I am using it as a refference for time. After 19 months in jail in early August was my intended audience of “Review of Action” that was about to choose if the “Preventive” […]

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The article I wrote about my fellow prisoner Guillermo Ramirez “The Compromising Charter” has attracted much interest, received and continue to receive many comments, emails, inbox messages and was shared more than 1,800 times on Facebook. Almost all posts are positive Thanks to all who support us. Guillermo told me from this moment: I ask […]

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Quién descubrió el Doping de Atletas Rusos

As the Russian FSB handles sports Sport as a political desire A few days ago the news told that the Olympic committee had banned the Russian Olympic team to participate in the Olympic Games this year in Brazil. It is the first time when the team as large as Russia was excluded from the Olympic […]

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A mas de dos años de la Tragedia del Vuelo MH17 por Igor Bitkov

There is a topic I want to touch in more details … The disaster of Boeing 757 flight MH17 from “Malaysia Airlines”, which occurred in 2014 … in the area of armed conflict in region “Donbas” which belongs to Ukraine. There are many theories that today I want to bring to your opinion … The […]

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Igor Bitkov Rusia Ayer Hoy y Mañana

We are often faced with a common opinion that our country Russia is a world potency, which is strong enough to oppose the US and its allies, has its independent policy and defend traditional values, fight against people of sexual diversity and other behaviors that we know as sins in the world I do not […]

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Igor Bitkov #JUSTICIA ALTERADA en Guatemala

Prosecutors presented their complaints in my first statement, often used the word  “alteration”. They said that the documents that we got were “altered”, then the word altered was not known in depth for me but for now after 18 months, it seems to me that are not our identification documents altered but is our process […]

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Igor Bitkov - Justicia Congelada Segunda Parte

I’m in jail and it has been 20 months! To be correct, we still do not have our audience of intermediate stage …  And there is no way that I can discuss the charges before the judge can see the truth! After my first statement in January 2015 until the present day our family still […]

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Cómo obtuvimos Documentos en Guatemala - Igor Bitkov

  We were looking for any chance of survival after direct threats we received. We needed a refuge at a country that would not deliver us into the hands of the dictatorship. Through the internet we found several options when companies proposed the legal CITIZENSHIP LEGAL PROCEEDINGS to reach several countries. An attractive proposal was […]

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Byt the time our daughter Anastasia was in England, studying at school and university, the agents of “FSB” several times, detained her at the airports, when she traveled and they made illegal interrogations, demanding her to say, where were her parents. From the beginning we thought about seeking political asylum in some European countries, but […]

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When they froze our process we receive a relatively quiet period. In prison I got sick from an abscess in the neck, which swelled and gave me great pain. I was taking antibiotics during four weeks but it did not work, unlike my kidneys were affected. Finally I was sent to hospital and ha surgery […]

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After my first statement other than the painful history of the orphanage it turned out that it is still very difficult to explain. Although Judge Miguel Galvez, sent me to jail, for Anastasia and Irina he treated us as a humanist, sending them to the hospital until first statement. Unfortunately with this judge the first […]

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The director of the school where he studied toddlers grade forbade Vladimir to visit the school on the grounds that our documents were canceled, although everything was paid for one year. When they carried Vladimir to visit me in prison, I tried to explain that I am here working and soon I will return home […]

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This happened a few days after my entrance to prison, “Mariscal Zavala” An official came from the direction of the prison system. He spoke with several prisoners, then called me to say something … Looking out of me, he told me in a low voice: “That I will be moved to another prison and if […]

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The Russian Embassy in Guatemala and the Russian bank “VTB Bank” used the Guatemalan justice system as a “weapon” to achieve their political ends AND GIVING FALSE INFORMATION to the authorities of the Public Ministry, CICIG and the media about the Bitkovs family. Which was our letter to Judge Miguel Galvez when he listened to […]

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Brutalidad Policial Caso Familia Rusa

A contingent of 60 policemen stormed peace of Bitkov Family, the reason was the apprehention of a father, mother, a daughter and a baby. It was 6 am on January 15th, 2015 I was dressing Vladimir who had just turned 3 years old. At this time many armed agents came at my home and I […]

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16 de enero 2017 - Igor Bitkov

Hello my name is Igor Vladimirovich Bitkov my familyand I are immigrants from Russia. We left our country in 2008 after a successful business career. We build new factories producing paper and pulp in our country. The prosperity of our companies came to such magnitudes that became one of the largest forest industries in Russia […]

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Thelma Aldana directly participated in Odebrecht-Sigma Fraud

The case Odebrecht – Sigma is undoubtedly the worst fraud that was ever committed in Guatemala. This story begins in 2016 when Department of State of US revealed its investigation against Brazilian construction company Odebrecht which instead of obtaining working contracts through competence was spending enormous bribes to public officials of various countries of Latin […]

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