Página principal / Article / Breaking the silence of the innocents.
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El aniversario del experimento comunista Nuestro últimos días y la despedida de Rusia – Las Montañas Rusas Capítulo XII – El secuestro de mi hija Anastasia – Las Montañas Rusas Capítulo XI Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo X – Las Propuestas Políticas Corruptas Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo IX – Inauguración de las nuevas fábricas en Rusia Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VIII – Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VII – Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VI – Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo V – Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo IV !Quiénes Luchan! Contra Un Estado Delincuente Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo III – Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo II – Las montañas rusas – Capítulo I La Criminalidad en el Servicio de Kremlin La Red de Influencia El día de Rusia (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 10 El misterio del Bufete Cutino International El terrorismo estatal (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 9 (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 8 (Русский)  Поцелуй Родины 7 El Día de la Victoria Con esta injusticia todos corren riesgo (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 6 Rusia camina a nueva revolución. (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 5 La Carta Comprometedora – Segunda Parte (Русский) Поцелуй Родины (Часть 4) Testimonio de un Ex Trabajador de RENAP (Русский) Поцелуй Родины (Часть 3) ¿Quién se beneficia ahora por el #CasoPiSA? – Entrevista en Mariscal Zavala 48. Nueva Trampa Judicial (Русский) Поцелуй Родины ( часть2 ) 47. El sacrificio de los inocentes para llegar al trono. 46. ¿Error médico o asesinato? 45. Caso de Migración 44. Oleg Navalny -El rehén de la dictadura.  43.La esperanza y la paciencia (Русский) 41. Поцелуй Родины ( Часть 1 ) 40. Negando el Derecho al Refugio y la Protección 39. Astucia Judicial Denuncia para Prevenir la Tortura y Asesinato de Igor Bitkov 38. Historia de un Secuestro 37. Seguimos pasando la prueba Daño Colateral: El Sacrificio de los inocentes. 36. El Mundo Oscuro 35. ¿Dónde está el límite de este mal que vivimos? 34. Ampliación de mi Primera Declaración 33. Incapacidad Judicial 32. El fallo histórico que la Juez Erika Aifán podría hacer mañana Una señal de tiempos peligrosos – Caso Bitkov por Paul Goble 31. ¿ Puede la CICIG combatir la corrupción ? 30. Igualdad Procesal, Mito o Realidad 28. El Asesinato Moderno 27. ¿Cómo es la cárcel VIP Mariscal Zavala? 26. Una Prueba Al Sistema de Justicia 25. Beslan – una herida que no se cura 23 .La “justicia” camina sin prisa 22. No es mi culpa dice la Jueza Reyna Salazar Dificil de Comprender Marcha de las Batas Blancas Dr. Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda 21. ¿Quien Mató al Doctor Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda? 20. Mi Camino hacia Dios 19. Los Frutos de la Dictadura 18. ¿Cuanto Cuesta Mi Libertad? 17 ¿A Donde va la Justicia en Guatemala? 16. Quién descubrió el Doping de Atletas Rusos 15. La Carta Comprometedora 14. Misterio del Vuelo MH17 de Malaysia Airlines 13. Rusia – Ayer Hoy y Mañana 12. #JUSTICIA ALTERADA 11. LA JUSTICIA CONGELADA (Segunda Parte) 10. CÓMO OBTUVIMOS DOCUMENTOS EN GUATEMALA 9. NUESTRA LUCHA CONTRA DICTADURA MÁS CORRUPTA DEL MUNDO (Tercera Parte final) 8. NUESTRA LUCHA CONTRA DICTADURA MÁS CORRUPTA DEL MUNDO (Segunda Parte) 7. NUESTRA LUCHA CONTRA DICTADURA MÁS CORRUPTA DEL MUNDO (Primera Parte) 6. LA RAÍZ DE NUESTROS PROBLEMAS 5. LA JUSTICIA CONGELADA 4. SECUESTRO ESTATAL 3. EXTORSIÓN FRACASADA 2. PRIMERA DECLARACIÓN 1. CARCEL PARA TODA LA FAMILIA ¿QUIÉN ES IGOR BITKOV? THELMA ALDANA DIRECTLY PARTICIPATED IN ODEBRECHT-SIGMA FRAUD Nuestra Lucha Por la Libertad CICIG fue solicitada por MOSCÚ para apresar a los Bitkov Los poderes oscuros

Article, Corruption, Guatemala, Justice

Breaking the silence of the innocents.

Español Disponible AQUÍ:

Written by: 
Igor Bitkov and Irina Bitkova

Following the subject of the criminal structure of traffickers of people which is being investigated during more than 4 years we have obtained new data to share in this article.

Our last article dedicated to this topic was:

In this article we explain and demonstrate the existence of the powerful criminal structure of the traffickers of people who for many years is operating in Guatemala and includes high-ranking officials, such as Mayra Veliz and Raul Morales, who issue Guatemalan documents to the foreigners in an anomalous way. The structure was protected by Ivan Velasquez , Thelma Aldana and several judges.

I have also published the article about how they sacrificed a young Christian Chacón who worked at RENAP. Without any proof they made him responsible for all the fraudulent procedures of the IPR where many officials participated to cover up the real members of the criminal structure .

Today we know of the tragedy of this young man. The highest risk court chaired by Judge Pablo Xitumul de Paz sentenced Christian Chacón to 8 years in prison for allegedly issuing IPR to the 5 members of the Mara Salvatrucha under other names.

The court chaired by Pablo Xitumul

The court chaired by Pablo Xitumul

We were witnesses to how this young man was wronged in the penal process, when the other Court of Greater Risk with President Yasmin Barrios – the previous companion of Pablo Xitumul in another court – has also sentenced Christian to 8 years without any evidence against him; but with many proofs of his innocence.

Left: Cristian Mauricio Chacon Aguirre was illegally sentenced to decades of prison as alleged responsible for issuing identity documents in RENAP. The brutal condemnations were given by judges Yassmin Barrios Aguilar and Pablo Xitumul , who did not accept any evidence against the Structure CUTINO / Mayra Veliz

We have also seen the way in which accusers and judges have manipulated the process to divert justice and hide the truth. Now we want to conclude what we have experienced and define that everything that has happened in these two processes are part of a double purpose conspiracy: to make our family suffer and to grant impunity to the entire criminal structure of human traffickers.

Let’s analyze what happened in the process against   Christian Mauricio Chacón Aguirre with the court of Xitumul .

The evidence used by Judge Pablo Xitumul to issue a brutal sentence against the young Christian Mauricio Chacón was the same that FECI and CICIG used to condemn Cristian in our case. Let’s look at the expertise reports:

The labor contract with RENAP where it is stated that Christian did not have any possible way to enter the data in the RENAP systems, nor did he have a computer. Since he didnt have a computer, he was not assigned any username and it was the worker of the warehouse that was entering the data. That worker however had created a username – CCHACON which had Christians surname and from which some data was entered into the RENAP system to issue the IPRs with false names for the gang members. Christian has never signed any document stating that he was assigned this username and as was said above he didnt have a computer. There was absolutely no evidence to suggest that Christian even had knowledge of the existence of that username.

The report signed by Jorge Rafael Valert Gamboa

The report signed by Jorge Rafael Valvert Gamboa

Prosecutors presented RENAP’s report signed by Jorge Rafael Valvert Gamboa – the head of information security, it is striking that this test was issued 2 years after Christian stopped working at RENAP and mentions someone named as FO-DI-02 . According to the prosecutors, this number corresponds to Christian. There should be a large number of signed documents per user to confirm that he has some responsibility for this number according to the RENAP regulations. But, as there is nothing, the MP presented only this piece of paper signed by Jorge Valvert who is the same official who would have to answer the basic question: Why in RENAP were users created in this altered way without complying with the rules?  But, for some reason, neither prosecutors nor the court did not want to find out the truth and they have not even allowed the lawyer of Christian to ask this expert any questions at all.

According to public information, Jorge Valvert Gamboa is the son of Judge Rubi Lucrecia Gamboa Barrera , a judge who granted illegal protection to give impunity to Thelma Aldana and who is a close friend of Thelma Aldana for many years. Taking into account that her other friend Mayra Veliz directly participated in the criminal structure of document processors we can assume that larger part of that process was not coincidental.

It is evident that there are no original documents signed by Christian Mauricio Chacón and there is no proof that he has entered false data into RENAP’s computer systems.

On the contrary, in the same brutal sentence issued by Xitumul, there are testimonies from RENAP officials that explain that no single person, even if they had access to the RENAP system, can enter all the necessary data for an IPR, let alone issue this IPR, since many high-level officials from different departments must participate.

The Municipal Civil Registry as a witness of RENAP, has declared that Christian was neither operator, nor registrar, nor digitizer, nor roller and could not even participate in the process of entering data. There are other strong evidence that Christian Mauricio Chacón has not participated or could not participate in the altered procedures, but despite this strong evidence Xitumul and Yassmin Barrios have decisively condemned an innocent person knowing whole well that he did not have financial recourses for a proper defense, that he did not have any contacts that could have stood up for the truth and that journalists would not be interested in interviewing a very young man who is falsely accused. Basically Christian Mauricio Chacon was a perfect prey to be sacrificed in order to hide the real participants of that powerful criminal structure while improving the statistics of brutal convictions by the judges of FECI and CICIG.

The court of Pablo Xitumul

The court of Pablo Xitumul

Unfortunately Xitumul did not care about these or other proofs of Christian’s innocence. He preferred not to give them the probative value. In his resolution referred to the testimony of the RENAP Civil Registrar Roxana Sosa he literally says:

» His statement is NOT GIVEN PROBATIVE VALUE, because it was evident to the judges that I always try to exculpate one of the defendants (refers to Christian) . «

In this sentence the whole farce of the Xitumul trial that most resembles lynching is concluded. Neither did they care about the testimonies of the effective collaborators who pointed out a RENAP official Brenda Chávez who worked at the headquarters and was a close relative of one of the gang members; according to her testimony she was the one who coordinated the issuance of the IPRs for the gang members .

She was not even included in the process and the Xitumuls court has rejected the evidence of her participation with the silly argument that she is not part of the process. But the most absurd thing is that the document that does not even mention the name of Christian signed by Jorge Valvert Gamboa   , who did not even work at the time of the events occurrence, gives it probative value.

Without any logic, the Xitumul court sentenced Christian to 8 years in prison without proving his participation to the minimum.

Just as in our process they left out all of the mayors, lawyers and RENAP officials who have really participated in the process stamping and signing the documents with impunity. The criminal structure remains in impunity once again, thanks to Judge Xitumul and his court with other judges Elvis David Hernandez Dominguez and Eva Marina Recinos Vasquez.

Here we have a very similar situation to what the court of Yasmin Barrios has done in our process. Without any evidence they condemned our family and several RENAP employees who, like Christian, were accused with false indexes, leaving in absolute impunity all the members of the criminal structure that have directly participated in our process: mayors, municipal secretaries, deputy directors of Migration, including Mayra Veliz herself , Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the members of Cutino International. They hid the evidence with the authentic signatures and seals of these officials.

The conduct of court president Yasmin Barrios was a chain of abuses and violations of due process. She forbade Igor Bitkov to declare about political persecution and about the criminal structure by interrupting his statement in a threatening manner. Finally she suspended his statement at the exact moment when Igor started talking about the criminal structure.

She was knowingly concealing names of the members of the criminal structure of human traffickers.

The accused workers of RENAP have submitted various evidence of their bosses wrongdoings and have mentioned that in court, but those evidences were never accepted for investigation or even for reference; nor were the names of the bosses recorded. I will give some examples.

The processor Julio Donis Solaris from RENAP registrar has submitted a report to his direct boss that his username was used by someone to enter false data but this was never investigated, the data never deleted and the FECI falsely accused Julio, hiding his report in the process.

Prosecutor Boris Cabrera , indicated to two RENAP officials and to two lawyers that he has found false data in the system and that he has found an altered information on some foreigners. That was never investigated and the data remained.

The defendant Sara Luz Borja Vázquez who was the civil registrar of RENAP and her colleague as witness, have indicated that her immediate boss was the one who has entered the false data in the system through her username and her computer while she was absent. Incredibly despite her presenting some solid evidence to prove that fact, her boss was never investigated and Sara was sentenced to 19 years in prison, applying the maximum penalties increased to one third.

The defendant Jorge Rodas Sargeto declared that the anomalous data were entered into the system through a second username that was created with his surname without his authorization and therefore illegally. They have not investigated this, nor did they take it into account, but Jorge was sentenced to 27 years in prison – a far longer term than is usually given for a murder!

These are few examples of the numerous and serious violations committed by Yasmin Barrios and Xitumul courts, Judge Aifan, the FECI and CICIG prosecutors with the same purpose – to cover the true criminal structure of traffickers of people who have issued thousands of anomalous documents and work in Guatemala up to the present day.

And here I would like to remind the reader that the Director General of RENAP – Rudy Gallardo on January 20, 2015, has filed a complaint against several members of the criminal structure that carried out anomalous procedures that included Mayra Veliz and others. That complaint had some really strong evidence in abundance. The prosecutor Heidy Tamara de León , who was in charge of this investigation, informed Thelma Aldana several times about the criminal acts of Mayra Veliz and other high officials who participated in the criminal structure. However, the investigation was first restrained and then stopped by the same Mayra Veliz and Thelma Aldana. Rudy was put in preventive detention where he is unjustly held until today. So we can see once again how they silenced those who have denounced the crimes.

Our family has suffered a lot because of the illegal persecution they have carried out against us – the Russian criminal state, FECI, CICIG, the co-opted High Risk judges tied with the same corruption. We probably would not stand a chance against them all have it not been for the Helsinki Commission of the US Senate. 

However even with this great support we still did not see complete justice being done in that Migration case. Corrupt prosecutors, linked to Thelma Aldana and Mayra Veliz continue to give impunity to the criminal structure of human traffickers . The innocent employees of RENAP, sacrificed by corrupt prosecutors in order to cover up the criminal structure, continue to suffer in prisons as well as their young children and their families.

Our family as a victim of the criminal structure of human traffickers has filed several complaints against this structure but until today corrupt judges and prosecutors, collaborators of Mayra Veliz, are hampering justice and blocking investigations. We are direct witnesses of the crimes committed by the judges and prosecutors involved in this impunity.

Therefore, we decided to file a criminal complaint against the judges of the courts of Yasmin Barrios and Pablo Xitumul as well as against Judge Erica Aifan who committed unlawful acts with the purpose of giving impunity to the criminal structure of the traffickers of persons that includes high-level state officials. We can with all responsibility consider that these judges and prosecutors seriously violate human rights, and are part of an illicit association to lend impunity to criminal structures and execute all those who point them out and denounce them.

I would like to conclude this article with a personal opinion. Corruption is evil. The cruelty and lack of justice on behalf of the judges is evil.  But when corruption, cruelty and injustice of the judges like Barrios, Xitumul or Aifan come together, it is the worst of all – it is called judicial terrorism.

They applied sentences of up to 28 years in prison for people that not only are innocent but that also had the courage to denounce the real participants of the criminal structure. It does not matter for what purpose they do it – save their communist comrades or punish a family persecuted politically by the Putin dictatorship. In the end innocent people suffer, Human Rights are crushed, and criminals are excused from any type of responsibility.

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