Mi hijo Vladimir Bitkov, una promesa del tenis guatemalteco. RUBIO, SMITH Y SALAZAR EXPRESAN PREOCUPACIÓN POR LA PERSECUCIÓN A LA FAMILIA BITKOV Los jueces de la mafia MADURO OLD ALLIES – THELMA ALDANA, IVAN VELASQUEZ AND JUAN FRANCISCO SANDOVAL CICIG, THELMA ALDANA Y LA DICTADURA DE MADURO – VÍNCULO CRIMINAL ¿QUIÉN ENCUBRIÓ LA ESTAFA DE ODEBRECHT – SIGMA EN GUATEMALA? Erika Aifan – Judge blind to Justice CICIG´s auto-destruction in Bitkov´s trial ERIKA AIFAN, SINÓNIMO DE CORRUPCIÓN, IMPUNIDAD E INJUSTICIA YASSMIN BARRIOS ACCOMPLICE OF KREMLIN YASSMIN BARRIOS: CRÓNICA DEL LINCHAMIENTO JUDICIAL DE LA FAMILIA BITKOV LA CONDENA QUE DESTRUYÓ A LA CICIG ¿Por qué nació el Hashtag #IgorBitkovNonGrato? El Nuevo «informe» de la CICIG es un cúmulo de engaños Evidence of the Collusion between Russia and CICIG in the persecution of the Bitkov family Pruebas de la Colusión entre Rusia y CICIG en la persecución de la familia Bitkov THE TUMOR THAT THE PUBLIC MINISTRY MUST EXTIRPATE EL TUMOR QUE EL MINISTERIO PÚBLICO DEBE EXTIRPAR Breaking the silence of the innocents. Rompiendo el silencio de los inocentes . THE MAGNITSKY ACT. Tool of justice or political weapon? One year after the Helsinki commission – Bitkov case Un año después de la comisión Helsinki – Caso Bitkov La Ley Magnitskiy. ¿Herramienta de la justicia o arma política? (English) Cover Up of Human Traffickers El Verdadero Pacto de Corruptos en Guatemala Cristian Chacon – El Patojo Que Quieren Sacrificar Para Salvar a Mayra Veliz Nuestra Lucha Por la Libertad. Nuera de Oscar Clemente Marroquín figura como representante de ODEBRECHT Quitando la Piel de Oveja Dentro del Infierno Las Acusaciones FALSAS ( actualizado 19.12.2019 ) Rameras de la justicia Dios es lo más Importante – Anastasia Bitkova Nuestra liberación gloriosa Mi Decano el Doctor Jesús Oliva (Chusito) La impunidad absoluta – II Parte – Mayra Veliz & Marcos Cutino Una crisis en Guatemala, promovida por Naciones Unidas El TUIT que demuestra que Juan Francisco Sandoval está influenciado por el Kremlin (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 13 Los depredadores de la justicia Confiamos en Dios y él nos dará la victoria y libertad Ampliación y Aclaración Noticiosa Diario El Periódico 23/12/2017 ¿Cómo el banco mafioso de Putin sigue alterando nuestro proceso? (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 12 Поцелуй Родины 11 La impunidad absoluta Se esconden de la ley La Justicia Global ¿Qué es la ley Magnitsky? El aniversario del experimento comunista Nuestro últimos días y la despedida de Rusia – Las Montañas Rusas Capítulo XII – El secuestro de mi hija Anastasia – Las Montañas Rusas Capítulo XI Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo X – Las Propuestas Políticas Corruptas Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo IX – Inauguración de las nuevas fábricas en Rusia Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VIII – Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VII – Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VI – Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo V – Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo IV !Quiénes Luchan! Contra Un Estado Delincuente Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo III – Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo II – Las montañas rusas – Capítulo I La Criminalidad en el Servicio de Kremlin La Red de Influencia El día de Rusia (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 10 El misterio del Bufete Cutino International El terrorismo estatal (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 9 (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 8 (Русский)  Поцелуй Родины 7 El Día de la Victoria Con esta injusticia todos corren riesgo (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 6 Rusia camina a nueva revolución. (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 5 La Carta Comprometedora – Segunda Parte (Русский) Поцелуй Родины (Часть 4) Testimonio de un Ex Trabajador de RENAP (Русский) Поцелуй Родины (Часть 3) ¿Quién se beneficia ahora por el #CasoPiSA? – Entrevista en Mariscal Zavala 48. Nueva Trampa Judicial (Русский) Поцелуй Родины ( часть2 ) 47. El sacrificio de los inocentes para llegar al trono. 46. ¿Error médico o asesinato? 45. Caso de Migración 44. Oleg Navalny -El rehén de la dictadura.  43.La esperanza y la paciencia (Русский) 41. Поцелуй Родины ( Часть 1 ) 40. Negando el Derecho al Refugio y la Protección 39. Astucia Judicial Denuncia para Prevenir la Tortura y Asesinato de Igor Bitkov 38. Historia de un Secuestro 37. Seguimos pasando la prueba Daño Colateral: El Sacrificio de los inocentes. 36. El Mundo Oscuro 35. ¿Dónde está el límite de este mal que vivimos? 34. Ampliación de mi Primera Declaración 33. Incapacidad Judicial 32. El fallo histórico que la Juez Erika Aifán podría hacer mañana Una señal de tiempos peligrosos – Caso Bitkov por Paul Goble 31. ¿ Puede la CICIG combatir la corrupción ? 30. Igualdad Procesal, Mito o Realidad 28. El Asesinato Moderno 27. ¿Cómo es la cárcel VIP Mariscal Zavala? 26. Una Prueba Al Sistema de Justicia 25. Beslan – una herida que no se cura 23 .La “justicia” camina sin prisa 22. No es mi culpa dice la Jueza Reyna Salazar Dificil de Comprender Marcha de las Batas Blancas Dr. Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda 21. ¿Quien Mató al Doctor Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda? 20. Mi Camino hacia Dios 19. Los Frutos de la Dictadura 18. ¿Cuanto Cuesta Mi Libertad? 17 ¿A Donde va la Justicia en Guatemala? 16. Quién descubrió el Doping de Atletas Rusos 15. La Carta Comprometedora 14. Misterio del Vuelo MH17 de Malaysia Airlines 13. Rusia – Ayer Hoy y Mañana 12. #JUSTICIA ALTERADA 11. LA JUSTICIA CONGELADA (Segunda Parte) 10. CÓMO OBTUVIMOS DOCUMENTOS EN GUATEMALA 9. NUESTRA LUCHA CONTRA DICTADURA MÁS CORRUPTA DEL MUNDO (Tercera Parte final) 8. NUESTRA LUCHA CONTRA DICTADURA MÁS CORRUPTA DEL MUNDO (Segunda Parte) 7. NUESTRA LUCHA CONTRA DICTADURA MÁS CORRUPTA DEL MUNDO (Primera Parte) 6. LA RAÍZ DE NUESTROS PROBLEMAS 5. LA JUSTICIA CONGELADA 4. SECUESTRO ESTATAL 3. EXTORSIÓN FRACASADA 2. PRIMERA DECLARACIÓN 1. CARCEL PARA TODA LA FAMILIA ¿QUIÉN ES IGOR BITKOV? THELMA ALDANA DIRECTLY PARTICIPATED IN ODEBRECHT-SIGMA FRAUD Nuestra Lucha Por la Libertad CICIG fue solicitada por MOSCÚ para apresar a los Bitkov Los poderes oscuros

Article, Corruption, Guatemala, Justice, Rusia



Those who have read the famous novel «1984» by George Orwell will understand the analogies that I will use. As Orwell has shown, the hypocritical and shameless authorities often turn their ministries into something totally contrary to their name.

So I can testify that the FECI, in reality is not an entity against impunity, but is a defender of impunity and the Public Ministry is not public because it works for the interests of other people. According to what has been proclaimed, they must ensure justice and prosecute criminals.

Actually some prosecutors use justice and their power for personal interests  . In my previous articles I have detailed the topic of impunity provided by the MP and FECI to the powerful criminal structure of human traffickers headed by high level officials and among them Mayra Veliz .

Initially, our process was one of the juicy businesses of the leaders of the MP and CICIG at the time of Thelma Aldana and Ivan Velasquez. Together with the powerful lawyers Alfonso Carrillo and Henry Comte they have carried out a project for the Russian state banks and for the Russian dictatorship of Vladimir Putin .

The project was to condemn our family to decades of prison sentences. There the problems have began for them, the type of problems that neither CICIG nor Thelma Aldana, nor others involved, could have ever imagined. The Helsinki commission of the US Senate has begun investigation of this collusion with Russia.

But apart from corruption with the Russian banks, another problem has arisen for the leaders of the MP and CICIG. Although they have done everything to avoid investigating the structure of human traffickers, the participation of Mayra Veliz and Raúl Morales was discovered and denounced by Bitkov.

This is how the nightmare of Aldana and Velázquez has began and little by little they have lost international and national support. As a result the two are out of Guatemala and their plans to establish their power in Guatemala are ruined. If the investigation against the criminal structure will advance then the two will face far more serious problems.

But until today his accomplices who manage MP have managed to prevent and impede justice. I refer to Juan Francisco Sandoval and other senior MP officials. JF Sandoval has so much power in the MP that it hurts the Attorney General. I will demonstrate this with several events that have occurred lately.

We denounced and challenged the head of FECI – Juan Francisco Sandoval for various crimes mostly concerned with the cover up of the criminal structure . The denouncement was presented before the Attorney General – Consuelo Porras in November of 2018. Several months have passed without any resolution, then in March of 2019, 5 months later, we were notified that it was resolved without place, but it was NOT resolved by the Attorney General, and instead by his deputy Attorney General – Carla Isidra Valenzuela  Elías  .

In this way of manipulating the procedures through the substitute Attorney General who was appointed by the same ladies Thelma Aldana and Mayra Veliz, the criminal structure maintains its impunity and protects Juan Francisco Sandoval.

Below you can see that the same Thelma Aldana left an agreement to appoint her deputy and in this strange case that is still the same trusted substitute of Thelma Aldana which supplies the Attorney General Consuelo Porras.

Appointment of Carla Valenzuela as substitute for the FG by Thelma Aldana and Mayra Veliz

We saw then that the FECI waited for the opportune moment when the General Attorney Doctor Consuelo Porras was not in the country so that her deputy has declared without place the denouncement that we have presented against the prosecutors of FECI. Could it be that Doctor Consuelo Porras knows about this? I doubt she knows what situations are resolved when she has to leave the country.

Other characters who have done a great favor to the criminal structure are ex-boss of the metropolitan prosecutor  Luis Archila and the prosecutor Olga Hidalgo Motta who tried to file a complaint against the traffickers of people where Mayra Veliz is linked.

Below you can see how the prosecution that should investigate Mayra Veliz wants to dismiss and file the case against Mayra Veliz:

The resolution of the case file against Mayra Veliz and Cutino International

The resolution of the case file against Mayra Veliz and Cutino International

The strategy of the head of FECI – Juan Francisco Sandoval – is basically the same. Instead of investigating the real structure, he has absurdly accused us – immigrants and victims of that structure. Even though he has an incredible amount of evidence against Cutino International. So it seems that the truth does not interest him, instead he is trying to cover up the real criminals.

Fortunately his strategy was ruined by a special prosecutor of the public prosecutor’s office Silvia Patricia López Carcamo – the just, brave and professional woman who at the hearing on June 7, 2018 in front of the magistrates of the appeals chamber literally pronounced the following:

«… the quality of the accused, Igor Bitkov, Irina Bitkova, Anastasia Bitkova, are directly linked to the quality status of migrants, which is why they cannot be subjects to criminal proceedings…»

In her speech, the prosecutor clearly states that our family can never be subject to criminal proceedings for the crimes of possessing an identity document according to international and national laws. Here you can find the whole speech.

The audio of the hearing of June 7, 2018 where Silvia Lopez says that our family of migrants can not be judged in criminal proceedings.

Silvia Lopez, based on the Protocol against Illicit Trafficking of Persons, concludes that our family can not be accused of the crimes that we were facing . The prosecutor in a short conversation after a hearing has expressed her support to us and proposed putting our trust in God who is almighty and doing his justice in a wonderful way.

The prosecutor was absolutely right. God did his work and our family is under his protection. The persecutors of our family are losing their power one after another, although the process is not quick, nor simple.

I would like to wish the same to Dr. Silvia López. I regret to see that a few days ago on May 10, 2019 the prosecutor signed a document addressed to the same room related to our appeal where she requests to confirm the court ruling of Yassmin Barrios for my wife and my daughter who were unjustly condemned to 14 years of prison. Imagine that! 14 years of prison are given to immigrants for a simple fact of possessing a document issued by governmental authorities in governmental institutions but apparently it was issued in an anomalous way.  

And this time, she asks for it without any argument and without explaining why it contradicts her previous conclusions and the laws she herself has mentioned. What pressure do prosecutors have on behalf of FECI?

MP asks the Chamber to confirm the sentence against Irina and Anastasia Bitkov.

MP asks the Chamber to confirm the sentence against Irina and Anastasia Bitkov.

I do not know what the mafia of Mayra Veliz, Thelma Aldana and Francisco Sandoval or the Russian criminal state did to force this prosecutor to commit such an incomprehensible act, to lend herself to persecution against our family.  

It is clear to us that the MP manipulated by Francisco Sandoval is favoring the dark interests of the criminal structure and the Russian criminal state. What happened to this prosecutor – they bribed her? extorted her? threatened her?

The current Attorney General Consuelo Porras remains in silence that puts us in doubt as to her position on the tragedy of our family. We do not know if she really knows what is happening.

What we believe is that Attorney General Dr. Consuelo Porras is being misinformed by Sandoval and his accomplices in order to harm her.

Yassmin Barrios court ruling is illegal in many ways and was annulled by the amparo filed by Igor Bitkov. But the power of CICIG was so unlimited that they managed to use all the tricks to not apply for the protection in favor of Irina and Anastasia and they are still sentenced to 14 years each.

On May 30 the public hearing is scheduled for our appeal against this malicious and spurious sentence. We hope that the magistrates will not allow the injustice against our family to continue and will resolve the case of Irina and Anastasia according to the law and do not lend themselves to the interests of the criminal structure and Russian criminal state which handle criminal prosecution against our family.

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