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Jail For The Whole Family PROLOGUE THELMA ALDANA DIRECTLY PARTICIPATED IN ODEBRECHT-SIGMA FRAUD Our Fight for Freedom (Español) CICIG fue solicitada por MOSCÚ para apresar a los Bitkov The Dark Powers

Análisis, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Justicia, Opinión, Uncategorized

Cristian Chacon – The Kid Who Want to Sacrifice to Save Mayra Veliz


Cristian Chacon – victim of INJUSTICE.

Throughout our process I observed a young RENAP worker – Cristian Mauricio Chacon Aguirre . According to the accusation, this worker made inscriptions of the identity cards, birth certificates, records of residences and naturalizations for several people and even for me.

The cedula issued by mayor of Fraijanes with proof of residence signed by Mayra Veliz

The certificate issued by the mayor of Fraijanes with proof of permanent residence signed by Mayra Veliz

Never, nobody could understand why the prosecutors made responsible for all the processing to some RENAP workers, including Cristian Chacon. Thousands of foreigners obtained the documents in Guatemala through a large and powerful structure formed by high-ranking officials.For some reason of all foreigners, only our family was processed. Now we know what this reason was.CICIG and FECI worked for the Russian criminal state carrying out political persecution of this dictatorship against our family. To disguise their evil they always declared that they judge us together with RENAP officials who made us these documents and this was a great deception.

In the process it was finally clarified that the IDs were issued based on the authentic documents: certificates, certificates of residence, government naturalization agreements signed by the mayors, deputy directors of migration, viceministers of foreign affairs, which were never investigated.

The cedula issued by the mayor of Villa Canales with permanent residence signed by deputy director of Migration of Jesus Manuel Ajcet Panchoy

The card issued by the mayor of Villa Canales with permanent residence signed by deputy director of Migration Manuel de Jesus Ajcet Panchoy

The RENAP workers supposedly only digitized the primary documents of foreigners, including ours. We never met the officials who signed the documents or the RENAP workers. We only contacted the people of Cutino International – Kenneth Biderman, Marcos Cutino and others who handled the paperwork of thousands of migrants.

Announcement published by Cutino International

Announcement published by Cutino International

But it turned out that in the process they accused only us and these young people of RENAP.

None of the 25 officers and members of Cutino International who directly participated in our proceeding were never investigated or prosecuted.

One of the youth of RENAP is Cristian Mauricio Chacon Aguirre . He has been in jail since 2013.

Cristian Mauricio Chacon Aguirre

Cristian Mauricio Chacon Aguirre

First time they accused him of issuing a ID for Nicaraguan women, then they accused him for digitizing the ID and other documents of mine. Later he was accused of issuing ID of several other persons and initiated new criminal proceedings. It is interesting that they accused him of the same facts but kept the processes separate.

In the process of the Nicaraguan they acquitted him and in process of Migration, where they judged my family, they condemned him to the 8 years by the same fact.

Later the same court of Jasmine Barrios judge it again by digitization of other documents and  condemn it again to 5 years . Now this young man is judged again by digitizing the documents of some gang members.

Interesting . It seems that he is the one who did a lot of paperwork and they judge him by separate process and acquit or condemn in same circumstances different courts.

A young person with a lowest position in the RENAP hierarchy is responsible for many illegal RENAP procedures. It must be taken into account that in each process they go through 15 stages with different departments and security filters. It is not possible that a worker of any rank could perform all stages.It looks ridiculous that they accuse this young man, but in reality it is a human tragedy, where we can see the corruption and injustice on the part of CICIG, FECI and courts, which dominate in these processes.

My family was the victim of the criminal structure that processed paperwork in Guatemala. I was in charge of investigating everything and I want to share with you what I discovered and I can prove.

Illegal procedures that were done for me and for thousands of other foreigners are complex processes and involve many high-ranking officials.

Companies such as Cutino International attract foreigners, take them to Guatemala and coordinate all stages of the procedures with many high-ranking officials: the Mayoralties, the Migration Directorate and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . In RENAP they present the authentic documents but issued in an anomalous way, where the process is concluded in the emission of an authentic DPI.

Who was Mauricio Chacón in this complicated chain of issuance of documents? The answer is easy – nobody. His position was auxiliary to Archivo Registral, which means that he worked in the warehouse and loaded the files. He was never assigned any computer, nor user what is documented with RENAP. His salary was 2000 QTZ or 270 dollars of USA bu month .

RENAP work that shows that Cristian Chacon was auxiliary to the file and did not have a computer assigned.

RENAP work record that shows that Cristian Chacón was auxiliary to the file and did not have a computer assigned.

The young man was 20 years old. One day in 2013 they seized him and took him to jail, where he is to this day. They did it as responsible for our process and several others to make evidence that it is something serious. While the irregular procedures continue without problems until today.

Among the record of the process are the overwhelming evidence that Cristian was never involved in the proceedings. The digitalization of my documents was made from the headquarters of RENAP CORTUJO in zone 9, while Cristian worked in the RENAP warehouse in zone 11. The income of my data in the RENAP system was made at 12 o’clock at night, while the Cristian’s schedule was from 7 am to 2p.m. in the area 11 bodega and he never visited the RENAP headquarters in zone 9, which consists of income records. In this record even more serious alterations appear when we can see that Cristian is registered on the same day in zone 11 of Guatemala and at the RENAP headquarters in Chichicastenango, where Cristian never worked.

The labor registry of RENAP where it appears that Cristian Chacon on the same day entered the headquarters of zone 11 and left the headquarters of Chichicastenango.

The labor registry of RENAP where Cristian Chacón appears on the same day he entered the headquarters of zone 11 and left the headquarters of Chichicastenango.

We can see more alterations when two users appear in the system of RENAP – CCACON and CCHACON1 that supposedly belonged to Cristian according to the accusation and from which the data of foreigners were entered, but Cristian was never assigned neither user nor computer, which is logical because that was not his job, which is documented with labor documentation. Moreover, having two users is prohibited and impossible according to the rules of RENAP. So, if it had been that he was assigned two users, it would mean that his bosses would seriously violate the basic rules of RENAP. According to the RENAP regulations, users and computers are delivered only by complying with a special procedure when the worker must complete and sign several forms. Cristian never received a user or computer and did not sign any forms.

RENAP regulation to create user

RENAP regulation to create user

In fact, it was clear that the data entered from another place, at another time, from a computer that was never identified. That is why Cristian was acquitted at first trial and no one had any doubt that they must absolve others.

The acquittal of Cristian Mauricio Chacon Aguirre

The acquittal of Cristian Mauricio Chacon Aguirre

The other trial was against us with all the alterations. We do not forget that CICIG worked for the Russian criminal state and condemning us was its key purpose. The court of Jasmine Barrios did not care for the truth at any time, they were in a hurry to fulfill what Ivan Velazquez ordered. The court did not pay attention to all the evidence in favor of the defendants and declared them guilty without any logic.

In spite of everything in this process it was an incident that evidences all the falsity of investigations and accusations. It is the situation of another worker of RENAP – DS . What happened to him is very similar to Cristian’s . He worked as a digitizer and had his user and computer assigned. Enter the data was his office. One day he discovered that the data of some foreigners were entered into the system through his user but from another unknown computer. Then DS presented a report to his boss and asked to find out and remove the data entered in altered form. However nobody did swim and the registration stayed in the system. Later DS filed the complaint in RENAP’s research department but there was no reaction. I have to underline  that time in 2011 the director of RENAP was Jorge Adolfo Matheu Fong . Three years later, DS was arrested and charged with the entry of these same data, which he indicated as having entered anomalously. It was clarified that his complaint presented in the RENAP was sent in the MP and disappeared there. Meanwhile, the FECI and CICIG that conducted the investigation, accused him of making this illegal registration. In the process, CICIG flatly rejected the existence of the complaint and until they tried to present false testimonies from their own investigators.

Fortunately for DS , his lawyer Omar Barrios, in an extraordinary way, managed to receive evidence of his complaint if it existed but was hidden by MPprosecutors. It was a great scandal and obligation to open proceedings against prosecutors who hid the complaint. To avoid that scenario court of Jasmine Barrios absolved DS, but never ordered to investigate the fact of hiding complaint by the MP, which is one more crime of this court.

We can see that Cristian Chacón and DS were harmed and accused of the facts that they personally have never committed. The only difference is that DS had access to the system and was able to verify the altered registration and consequently file the complaint. It is worth noting that the registration was not eliminated by RENAP either before or after the complaint that was also hidden. Someone received their ID and passport and the real processors avoided the investigation. DS was the only RENAP worker acquitted, thanks to what his lawyer managed to put before the prosecutors and the court. I do not have details of the situation of other 9 RENAP workers condemned in my process but all are of lower level and all declare the same, the inscriptions were made taking advantage of their users by other people in the extra work time, when they did not even they were at work. The specialists say that it was not a problem to enter the data into the system using the users and passwords that were created in violation of the rules, taking advantage of the lack of security of the RENAP systems. The young people of RENAP were sacrificed. Cristian Chacon was accused by the 5 inscriptions separately. They absolved him in the one process but continue with others. In total they ask him for 32 years in prison for something he has never done and his innocence is well approved.

I did my own research and discovered that CICIG and FECI are covering the true criminal structure of the document processors that generates hundreds of millions of dollars of illicit profits for its members, among which are Mayra Veliz and several other famous officials close to Ivan Velázquez and Telma Aldana.

The poor young people of RENAP serve them as scapegoats to show the internal and external society that they are fighting against illegal procedures and to justify the persecution against my family.

The paperwork began with the issuance of the cedulas. At no time did the MP and CICIG not investigate the officials who issued these cedulas.Precisely in these cards all alterations were made: changes of names, permanent residences, changes of places of births and other data.

But all the ID cards are authentic and have the true signatures of the mayors, deputy directors and deputy directors of immigration and other officials.

The cedula signed by Mayor of Villa Canales Miguel Angel Garcia Dominguez.

The document signed by Mayor of Villa Canales Miguel Angel Garcia Dominguez .

They put the young people of RENAP in jail who do not know anything or anyone, and do not touch one of the officials. It is clear that officials could testify against all other members of the criminal structure.

Interesting is also that all the facts that CICIG and FECI investigated, were occurred in the year 2011, when it was our procedure. They do not care about what happened afterwards.

But this is much more important, because in July of 2012 the new director of RENAP – Rudi Gallardo was appointed, who began his real fight to eliminate the illegal procedures carried out by the criminal structures. His research gave impressive results. He discovered that thousands of illegal procedures were carried out for foreigners, many of whom never visited Guatemala. There he discovered  the real mafia where Mayra Veliz played key role, which was in full power and enjoyed the protection of Ivan Velázquez himself. This mafia acted brutally against the brave director. They falsely accused him and put him in jail without any evidence against him. Mayra Veliz and Telma Aldana have no mercy.

This story has many details and strong evidence and for her I am going to dedicate a special article.

To conclude, I want to say that the young Guatemalan Cristian Mauricio Chacon Aguirre is the victim of injustice and organized crime where CICIG and FECI are key players. This young man spent more than five years in pretrial detention in totally inhumane conditions because the real criminals hide their crimes by sacrificing the unprotected.

We must review the illegal sentences of Cristian and other RENAP workers and investigate the true criminal structure. These days Cristian is judging again, for the fourth time. Appear members of the mara Salvatrucha with DPI issued with fake user of CCHACON and poor young do so as responsible for this issue. There are new alterations in this process. The investigators changed their testimonies and now they try to link Cristian with the gang members, even though the same gang members say that they never knew him. Interesting is knowing what was the reason why the researchers radically changed their testimonies? Before they said that the mareros processed their documents in RENAP by means of the cousin of a marero with the nickname “Rabbit” , who worked in RENAP in the headquarters of zone 9 as a digitor from where, in fact, the false data were entered. Her name is Brenda Arrecis . She did have an assigned computer and access to the system to digitize the documents, since it was her job and that’s in the file. Suddenly they have changed this version and they no longer mention Brenda , but blame Cristian. It is no coincidence that one day before starting a lawsuit against Cristian , the procicig media SOY502 published the article where without evidence they declared that Cristian did paperwork for gang members.

It hurts me to see how the media, prosecutors, courts co-opted by CICIG demonize, defame and torture the young Guatemalan prisoner. The case of fraudulent document processors is most noticeable where corruption and deception of the institutes controlled by Velázquez and his allies are discovered.

They are very afraid of what we are doing, discovering their crimes so grave and wide, where such powerful people are involved.

The young Guatemalan Cristian Mauricio Chacón Aguirre should not die in jail because of this mafia created by Thelma Aldana and protected by Ivan Velázquez.

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