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Leer MásAnálisis, Análisis Histórico, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Opinión, Política, Rusia
(Español) ¿Qué es la ley Magnitsky?
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¿Qué es el Allanamiento Corporativo?(Coporate Raiding)"La Familia de emigrantes rusos Bitkovs"Alexander PerepelichnyBanco Ruso VTB BankBill BrowderEdward RoyceEE. UU.Eliot EngelEstados UnidosEuropaFSBGazpromHermitage Capital ManagementInglaterraInterpolKardinLey MagnitskyMagnitsky ActObamaPutinismoRAO UESRex TillersonrusiaSBERBANKSergei MagnitskySerguéi RolduguinSurgutneftegazVladimir Putin
Análisis, Análisis Histórico, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Opinión, Política, Rusia, статьи
They fight against a State of criminals
In the preamble of this article I want to put a sentence that was pronounced in the process of Nurnberg against the Nazis after World War II. One of the accusers, Rudenco, in his speech, characterized Hitler and all the leaders of Nazi Germany as: “Delinquents, who seized the State and made it a tool […]
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