El año 2006 fue dramático en nuestra historia. Logramos construir el gasoducto a nuestras fábricas en Neman , instalamos nuevas calderas de gas y al final, Irina logró hacer la parte más difícil – obligar a firmar el contacto al presidente monopolista de GASPROM, gracias a su valentía y perseverancia.
Leer MásMi Esposa Irina Bitkova & Vladimir Yegorov fueron clave en este proceso sin dar un solo centavo de soborno como era de costumbre en Rusia, para obtener una cuota del GAS
Leer MásLa situación económica en el país mejoraba rápido. En los años 2001-2007, el crecimiento económico de Rusia superaba a los 5%.
Leer MásEn los finales del año 1999 apareció un nuevo líder del país Vladimir Putin, que sustituyo a Boris Eltsin.
Leer MásAnálisis, Análisis Histórico, Articulos, Política, Rusia
(Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo V –
La crisis económica rusa del año 1998 afectó al sector bancaria, a los ciudadanos y a todo el comercio del país. Es difícil imaginar, pero en los primeros meses de la crisis en Petersburgo no había tráfico y las carreteras eran semivacías.
Leer MásPetersburg is the most beautiful city in Russia. Before the communist revolution of the year 1917, it was the capital of the Russian Empire. In contrast of many other Russian cities, the Communists did not completely destroy the entire old part of Petersburg. The numerous churches and palaces were converted into museums and administrative buildings. […]
Leer MásAnálisis, Análisis Histórico, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Opinión, Política, Rusia, статьи
They fight against a State of criminals
In the preamble of this article I want to put a sentence that was pronounced in the process of Nurnberg against the Nazis after World War II. One of the accusers, Rudenco, in his speech, characterized Hitler and all the leaders of Nazi Germany as: “Delinquents, who seized the State and made it a tool […]
Leer MásAt the end of 1993 our own company Les-Market was registered. My wife Irina, my brother Andrey, my dad and I were the first shareholders. The money we had was enough just for us to rent a small office, buy the computers, the printer, the copier, and the office furniture. But the most important asset […]
Leer MásAt the university, I studied forest engineering – how to maintain and exploit forests, how to process wood, produce products such as paper, pulp, sheets and others, but to become an entrepreneur I needed to know other things – how to manage the company, promote products and marketing. In the USSR there were no educational […]
Leer MásThis is the story of my life in Russia, which looks a lot like roller coasters. It had breathtaking climbs and dramatic falls. I am satisfied with all the experiences that I lived and thank God for allowing me to go through difficult circumstances, strengthening and illuminating my path. In the end it was what […]
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