In the preamble of this article I want to put a sentence that was pronounced in the process of Nurnberg against the Nazis after World War II. One of the accusers, Rudenco, in his speech, characterized Hitler and all the leaders of Nazi Germany as: “Delinquents, who seized the State and made it a tool […]
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Análisis, Análisis Histórico, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Opinión, Política, Rusia, Uncategorized
Criminality in the Kremlin Service
[warning] CLARIFICATION: The next analytical article is based on publications from journalists, well known facts or from public knowledge and I quote all of the sources at the end. [/warning] A few days ago I received the news from Russia. The attempt to kill Adam Osmaev in Kiev, Ukraine. Adam Osmaev with his wife Adam is a […]
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Análisis, Análisis Histórico, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Opinión, Política, Rusia
The Influence Network
[warning]CLARIFICATION: The next analytical article is based on publications from journalists, well known facts or from public knowledge and I quote all of the sources at the end.[/warning] I remember very well, since my youth, the news about Guatemala that we received in USSR. All the news was about just one topic, the civil war. […]
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Today I want to mention a date as important for Russia as Independence Day, and it caught my attention the way the celebration has changed since 1990 to date… How was the celebration before? (1990) June 12 is the national day of Russia. On this day in the year 1990 was proclaimed the Independence declaration […]
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Análisis, Articulos, Corrupciòn, Guatemala, Opinión, Rusia
The mystery behind the Law firm “Cutino International”
There are several mysterious issues in our process, which are still unanswered. One of them is the reason why the Public Prosecutor’s office doesn’t want to investigate the law firm Cutino International, dedicated to legal procedures for migrants, which include services to obtain Guatemalan nationality and Guatemalan identity documents. Precisely this company invited us to come to Guatemala […]
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A few weeks after our family was captured as a result of the operation of the Russian intelligence service (FSB) in Guatemala, which gave false information to the Public Prosecutor’s office (MP) of us to use them in such a way that MP thought that they were doing the right thing and that they were […]
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[warning] CLARIFICATION: The next analytical article is based on publications from journalists, well known facts or from public knowledge and I quote all of the sources at the end.[/warning] Dear Friends: Each time, I write about the injustices that happen with us, I feel that somebody, who is managing all of this situation, is making fun […]
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Criteria of the judge within Case Renap – Family Bitkovs Published in Prensa Libre on 09/02/2016 Wednesday, August the 3rth. There was a hearing to the case Renap for review, focused on measures of coercion on the accused. . Russian businessman Igor Bitkov, who has unaccountably been “linked” to this case with his wife and […]
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