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RUBIO, SMITH, SALAZAR RAISE CONCERNS WITH PERSECUTION OF BITKOV FAMILY Los jueces de la mafia MADURO OLD ALLIES – THELMA ALDANA, IVAN VELASQUEZ AND JUAN FRANCISCO SANDOVAL CICIG, THELMA ALDANA Y LA DICTADURA DE MADURO – VÍNCULO CRIMINAL ¿QUIÉN ENCUBRIÓ LA ESTAFA DE ODEBRECHT – SIGMA EN GUATEMALA? Erika Aifan – Judge blind to Justice CICIG´s auto-destruction in Bitkov´s trial ERIKA AIFAN, SINÓNIMO DE CORRUPCIÓN, IMPUNIDAD E INJUSTICIA YASSMIN BARRIOS ACCOMPLICE OF KREMLIN YASSMIN BARRIOS: CRÓNICA DEL LINCHAMIENTO JUDICIAL DE LA FAMILIA BITKOV LA CONDENA QUE DESTRUYÓ A LA CICIG (Español) ¿Por qué nació el Hashtag #IgorBitkovNonGrato? 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(Русский) Поцелуй Родины 12 (Español) Поцелуй Родины 11 (Español) La impunidad absoluta (Español) Se esconden de la ley (Español) La Justicia Global (Español) ¿Qué es la ley Magnitsky? (Español) El aniversario del experimento comunista (Español) Nuestro últimos días y la despedida de Rusia – Las Montañas Rusas Capítulo XII – (Español) El secuestro de mi hija Anastasia – Las Montañas Rusas Capítulo XI (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo X – Las Propuestas Políticas Corruptas (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo IX – Inauguración de las nuevas fábricas en Rusia (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VIII – (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VII – (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo VI – (Español) Las Montañas Rusas – Capítulo V – The Roller Coasters – Chapter IV They fight against a State of criminals The Roller Coasters – Chapter III The Roller Coasters – Chapter II The Roller Coasters – Chapter I Criminality in the Kremlin Service The Influence Network The day of Russia (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 10 The mystery behind the Law firm “Cutino International” State Terrorism (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 9 (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 8 (Русский)  Поцелуй Родины 7 Victory Day With this injustice everyone is at risk (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 6 Russia is walking towards a new revolution (Русский) Поцелуй Родины 5 The Compromising Letter – Part Two (Русский) Поцелуй Родины (Часть 4) (Español) Testimonio de un Ex Trabajador de RENAP (Русский) Поцелуй Родины (Часть 3) (Español) ¿Quién se beneficia ahora por el #CasoPiSA? – Entrevista en Mariscal Zavala (Español) 48. Nueva Trampa Judicial (Русский) Поцелуй Родины ( часть2 ) (Español) 47. El sacrificio de los inocentes para llegar al trono. (Español) 46. ¿Error médico o asesinato? 45. (Español) 44. Oleg Navalny -El rehén de la dictadura.  (Español) 43.La esperanza y la paciencia (Русский) 41. Поцелуй Родины ( Часть 1 ) 40 (Español) 39. Astucia Judicial (Español) Denuncia para Prevenir la Tortura y Asesinato de Igor Bitkov 38. (Español) 37. Seguimos pasando la prueba (Español) Daño Colateral: El Sacrificio de los inocentes. 36 35. (Español) 34. Ampliación de mi Primera Declaración (Español) 33. Incapacidad Judicial 32. (Español) Una señal de tiempos peligrosos – Caso Bitkov por Paul Goble 31. Corruption is not yet defeated 3 28. Modern Murder 27. How is the VIP Mariscal Zavala jail? 26. A test to the justice system 25 .Beslan – a wound that will not heal. 23. Justice goes on with no rush. 22. It is not my fault says Judge Reyna Salazar Hard to Understand March of the White Robes Dr. Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda 21. Who killed Dr. Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda? 20. My Way to God 19. The Fruits of Dictatorship 18. How much does My Freedom Cost? 17. Where is Justice in Guatemala going? 16. Who discovered the Russians Doping Athletes (Español) 15. La Carta Comprometedora 14. Mystery of Flight MH17 Malaysia Airlines 13. Russia Yesterday Today and Tomorrow 12. Altered #Justice 11. Frozen Justice 10. HOW DID WE OBTAIN IN DOCUMENTS GUATEMALA 9. Our struggle against the world’s most corrupted dictatorship (Third Final part) 8. Our Struggle Against The World’s Must Corrupt Dictatorship (Part Two) 7. Our Struggle Against The World’s Most Corrupted Dictatorship 6. The root of our problems 5. Frozen Justice 4. STATE KIDNAPPING 3. Extortion Failed 2. First Declarations 1. Jail For The Whole Family PROLOGUE THELMA ALDANA DIRECTLY PARTICIPATED IN ODEBRECHT-SIGMA FRAUD Our Fight for Freedom (Español) CICIG fue solicitada por MOSCÚ para apresar a los Bitkov The Dark Powers


13. Russia Yesterday Today and Tomorrow

We are often faced with a common opinion that our country Russia is a world potency, which is strong enough to oppose the US and its allies, has its independent policy and defend traditional values, fight against people of sexual diversity and other behaviors that we know as sins in the world

I do not want to delve into issues of non-approval of people of sexual diversity in Russia, for me that theme does not make sense to even touch it. Since I consider to be problems of each person must be respected the decision is up to everyone and there are much more important issues, which characterize the state of Russia today and that’s worth talking about.

Russia’s image, generated in Guatemala in times of the “Cold War” when, “Soviet Union” supported throughout the war and not only in Guatemala, but throughout the world.

Guerra Fria Guatemala Igor Bitkov

World map of Cold War ,in red shades the allies of the USSR and other communist countries, and in shades of blue NATO, the United States and its capitalist allies; red dots mean communist guerrillas and blue dots anticommunist guerrillas. Guatemala is blue, with a red dot. Source: Wikipedia


That was the time of my youth. My family lived in a village of workers in the northern Soviet Union city, to be precise called Novodvinsk.


While Soviet propaganda, showed us the success of the guerrillas around the world, my people had no commodities. There was no meat, milk or normal clothes. The population was suffering from severe shortages of everything.


Better not talk about luxurious things. For example; My family never had vehicle as a car. Almost no one had. Only the great communist party officials could be able to obtain a car. That was Soviet Union.


They  kept guerria around the world, built more sophisticated weapons, had huge army but gave them no food, no dress for their people, Most people lived in extreme poverty.


Soviet Union collapsed because of the long period of low oil prices in the 80s. Oil was the only resource that fueled the communist state.


With the fall of Soviet Union, all satellite regimes around the world collapsed. To exit the catastrophe, the only option was to change the communist system to the capitalist system. Those who took more time , suffered more. In Soviet Union that ran in the early 90s. Step by step, so the country became a democracy with free market economy.

It was good time to start any business.

Today, Russia produces almost no machinery, or electronic products, almost no high technology. Everything is imported, which flourished until 2014, was oil and some other commodities. But with prices fall, it ended all that prosperity. For one year the Russian currency lost three times its value. The standard of living is falling. By now, the average salary Russia has is lower than the one China has, I have little doubt that in coming years we will see the same economic situation in Russia which Venezuela has right now.

Sometimes people who know my story, they ask to me, Why don’t you accept the purposals, be part of the system that governs the country?

The answer is simple I love the country where I was born and I see dictatorship of Putin as a bigger enemy of my country itself. For now the dictatorship is forming a huge national guard who must fight the riots of the population. About 400 thousand men will fight their own people.

They put people in prison only for a single a post on the Internet, which hurts the dictatorship. The most famous oppositor Boris Nemtsov was killed in front of Kremlin by military officers and no one was punished them. This is my home country today, but under the power of Putin. I do not think they have a prosperous future if we do not change.

In an interview, the lawyer of the Russian government bank VTB involved in the process against us. Harvey Pacay says sincerely “we only want to achieve extraditing BITKOVA FAMILY to their homeland Russia so they will be judged there”. I would tell this gentleman that: he needs to learn little about whom he is serving for a few coins.

To be continued…


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