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It is not my fault says Judge Reyna Salazar Hard to Understand March of the White Robes Dr. Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda 21. Who killed Dr. Erwin Raúl Castañeda Pineda? 20. My Way to God 19. The Fruits of Dictatorship 18. How much does My Freedom Cost? 17. Where is Justice in Guatemala going? 16. Who discovered the Russians Doping Athletes (Español) 15. La Carta Comprometedora 14. Mystery of Flight MH17 Malaysia Airlines 13. Russia Yesterday Today and Tomorrow 12. Altered #Justice 11. Frozen Justice 10. HOW DID WE OBTAIN IN DOCUMENTS GUATEMALA 9. Our struggle against the world’s most corrupted dictatorship (Third Final part) 8. Our Struggle Against The World’s Must Corrupt Dictatorship (Part Two) 7. Our Struggle Against The World’s Most Corrupted Dictatorship 6. The root of our problems 5. Frozen Justice 4. STATE KIDNAPPING 3. Extortion Failed 2. First Declarations 1. 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15. The Compromising Charter

¿Cuándo nacerá la Justicia en Guatemala?

When Justice in Guatemala born?

A series of numerous catches of Otto Perez Molina’s former government officials gives courage and hope to Guatemalans that justice is born in Guatemala, that it will save the country from corruption … I also want that but, while being in prison Mariscal Zavala, I have the ability to communicate directly with corrupt assumptions and stories give me some sadness for a massive and complete injustice which achieved itself to blindfold justice as a ruthless weapon.

Today I want to tell you about a man who is my partner and friend in prison, is named Federico Guillermo Ramirez Corado, he was captured in 2012 and now hw haws been for four years in prison. His story is a tragedy that can show us how bad is the situation with the justice in Guatemala.

William was a prosecutor of the MP, he was in charge of murder and the dismemberment  cases more than anything. For 15 years he worked as a prosecutor for MP, he managed to get a lot of respect and honor of colleagues and bosses.

In the beginning of 2012, William made a raid on the place called “The Island” in Villa Nueva, trying to capture one of the most dangerous and cruel bosses of the maras “Eswin Silvestre Pérez Marroquín” alias ” the Trouble “.


Silvestre Pérez Marroquín Eswin –left

This character often slipped away from William since someone always reported him, and Guillermo’s senior officials suspected it was the MP, who covered him, they covered “The Trouble”.

Ministerio Publico

That night, “The Trouble” escaped again but William found “A Compromising Letter” in his hut, such an interesting thing ..

What was written in the letter?

Such letter was written by large letters of the person so impolite and with many misspellings and was directed to other heads of gangs and containing payment information for murder, arms sales, but more importantly there was the information that “Lopez Bonilla “,” Claudia Paz y Paz “and” Maynor Melgar ” were involved in gang activities.

The gang members had given them  nicknames, Lopez Bonilla, “Mouse”, Claudia Paz y Paz “The Chupitas” Mynor Melgar and “The Bolo”.

William began his own investigation using that letter and also other information obtained from different sources. It said that these officials were involved in arms sales in drug trafficking, murders and coverage of the heads of the gangs.

This research came out fatal for William himself.

On the day May 17, 2012, Guillermo participated in the capture of “Trouble”, in the early hours of the next day William himself was captured. He was accused by many crimes such as drug trafficking and proclaimed him as the third head of the cartel “Sinaloa” in charge of selling drugs to China, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. Although poor William never visited those countries.

“Justice was swift, William was condemned in 6 months. There was no evidence it was fun that the “Head of Sinaloa Cartel” had no properties or savings. Guillermo always spent all his salary to stand for his 4 young children. Besides he had no car or bank account. Then it caused many problems for MP to prove the allegations. But let’s not forget who was behind the process.

For them there was nothing impossible. Then they falsify evidence, false statements etc. To ensure the court judgment “Bolo” (Mynor Melgar) came personally and privately spoke for 30 minutes with the judges and of course with doors closed. Apparently this wasv a key to condemn my friend to 25 years in prison.

And he spent 4 years in prison already. William never lost his faith and always knew that God is fair and he will be free.

He never had money for lawyers and tried to defend himself with his own effort.

He managed himseld the approach an appeal of his conviction and finally won the process.

The conviction was overturned last year. It took more than a year for William to be free, but freedom was stopped, you can imagine that all his records disappeared from the court and therefore they do not give him his freedom and remains in jail.

While in prison, Guillermo always worked from morning until 10 at night. And sometimes at night, he  washed bathrooms and other sectors, and also gives legal advice to other freedom private partners, and his family now live in a real poverty making more difficult to stand for his children.

In prison you can easily see who is corrupt and who is right, and I can say that Guillermo is a person who respects the fear of God and always assisted to the cult, and I can tell that when he sings and plays guitar in the church his voice is unquestionably one of the best I’ve heard in life.

A while ago they brought Lopez Bonilla to prison. He is elsewhere in Mariscal Zavala, along with Otto Perez Molina. He was captured by another crime, another fact, by giving a helicopter Otto Perez, poor William he had never seen so much money before, never more tan the money that Bonilla gave to his boss, when William was an idealist who tried to fight corruption so serious by his own efforts .

The history of this fiscal shows how that great injustice is still going on in Guatemala.

The same judges who condemned Guillermo still working normally despite the Cassation gives acquitted and ordered the release of Guillermo.

But hope and faith strengthens us, those who in one way or another have fallen into the disproportionate scale of the “injustice of the legal system in Guatemala”


More than 4 years

Federico Guillermo Ramirez Corado is in prison despite being acquitted of charges in Guatemala and how his files disappeared from the court … A MYSTERY!

I wonder:

  1. Howcome, William with so many academics and culture is now a bathroom washer in prison?
  2. What mystery surrounding this case?
  3. How could the prosecution carry out the accusations and the “trial” and “judges”, how could they condemned him, with thata renowned career prosecuting and accusing him of being one of the leaders of the Sinaloa cartel? When he practiced equity and his work belonged to the working class and used to travel by public transport every day.
  4. What is the mystery of this case that annulled the sentence 18 months ago and they still refuses to release him, I wonder …?
  5. What do you know? What is the fear they have of him going out of jail ..?


To be continued …

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